Monday, 24 March 2008


"A person who derives sexual gratification from observing the naked bodies or sexual acts of others, especially from a secret vantage point."

I like people watching and I like to know about them, from a distance. We may just be acquantences or sometimes I don't even know the person yet I want to know details of all of these people. I want to know what they had for tea and what films they like and where they're holidaying this year.

I also like reading random blogs, but I tend to enjoy personal blogs about their lives more rather than blogs written like newspapers.

I suppose this people watching stems from loneliness. I want some friends and I peek in on these people's lives to fill in the cracks of my own. But it's definitely nothing sexual!

Is there an appropriate word for this?


J Adamthwaite said...

I've wondered about that too (being somewhat like yourself in this respect) and have never found an answer. People seem to use voyeur more often than not, but as you say, that isn't really the right word. Unless you use it symbolically of course, but that could be misleading!

TerrifiedFemme said...

Yes; yes; yes. I liked this entry, dearest Jenny.