Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Losing it.

I'm anxious at the moment. I lost my swipe-in card, locker key, and smartcard (so I can get in the building) for work (they are all attached together you see.) This seems a pretty normal event but in 2009 I have already lost my locker key once before, had 2 new smartcards because I broke them both, and then lost my new one, and lost my swipe-in card again!

I don't tend to lose things easily, so it's really annoying that I keep losing these.

I'm annoyed at myself but I'm scared what they will say - I imagine tears (from me) and I am thinking of a dramatic speech about how I will guard it with my life and dedicate my life to not losing the card. They were really awkward the first time I lost it so who knows what they will be like now.

I've tipped the house upside down looking for it. I've got the torch out and looked down the back of everything, looked in places it never could be (like the oven or fridge) and looked in the same spot twice and found things that I previously couldn't find before.

Oh dear.

OMG. The *moment* I posted this entry my Mum came down and had found it! It was in a pile of my Mum's clothes in the loft! No wonder I didn't find it but I'm so ecstatic now! YAY.

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