Friday, 20 February 2009

19 Million Hens in the UK live in cages...

I posted about carrier bags the other day and commented that to live without damaging the world around us seems an uphill struggle. I wish there was a "for dummies" guide on it all. I'm a vegetarian and I also try and eat free range eggs (which a lot of people do), but it took a short while to realise how many products I buy, have non-free range eggs used in them...

I've been researching online and found this useful information on the Battery Hen Welfare Trust charity website:


A staggering 65% of UK battery eggs are used by food manufacturers.

If you buy any of the following you could inadvertently be purchasing eggs laid by battery hens:

  • Cake
  • Pasta
  • Chocolates (fondant filled)
  • Quiche
  • Ready made Yorkshire Puddings
  • Ready made Pancakes
  • Biscuits
  • Ready meals
  • Noodles"
Informative Websites

I don't preach to people who eat meat, but for me in the past, the reason I happily ate any egg I ever saw or any sort of meat was because I didn't really engage with the suffering involved. To be honest even now it's so easy to buy, for example, an egg sandwich, and it's an afterthought, the life of suffering the chicken will have. I suppose unless it was a life or death situation, I couldn't end the life of a chicken or a pig myself, the only reason I ever ate it is because it comes in a little packaged box and says "sausages". A friendly little word really. In conclusion, it is a lot to take in..but I am going to do my best and buy ethical foods.


J Adamthwaite said...

This is something I've been battling with for a while. I buy free range eggs and chicken (or more often, not at all) but I have to admit, it mostly doesn't occur to me to question the ingredients in cakes or anything else. In an ideal world, I would keep my own chickens and live in a community where I knew exactly where my meat was coming from and what conditions it had lived in... but in my current world, it's true that I know less than I would like to.

Jenny said...

In my ideal world I would like to keep my own chickens too!

I also worry about the milk/butter I have because I don't know where that has come from. Perhaps I should become a vegan

I think it doesn't occur to many people about the eggs in all the products they buy as on the television and such, awareness has been raised about eating free range eggs and chickens, but not other things.