Sunday, 1 March 2009

Beginning Spring

I have noticed it has been staying lighter longer recently. Today the sky was blue with white clouds as apposed to the grey with added greyness it usually likes to sport. Even though I like winter and by the end of summer I am usually gagging for it, I'm ready for the nice weather again!

Aspects of Spring/Summer I like:
  • Evenings with daylight. It's nice being able to walk home and it still be light at night.
  • Sunshine and warmthIE not having to wear 5 layers of clothing and thermal underwear
  • Lifted mood. I really think the nicer weather lifts people's moods, it does me anyway..the longer days make the days feel more alive and like the day something to be seized, rather than feeling like life is for hibernating indoors away from the cold.

Aspects of Spring/Summer I dislike:
  • Insects, especially flying ones. Particularly moths and wasps. The especially scary ones are the unidentified insects that you've never seen before, they scare me because I've no idea of what they can do!
  • Sunshine and Warmth IE having to live in front of a fan as it is so warm. I shouldn't complain though really!
  • Feeling really awkward as the weather makes you want to wear less clothes but you feel really fat...but hopefully I won't feel like this this year as I am quite a bit thinner than last summer.
In conclusion, I am quite contrary!


Lukee said...

agreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed =]

Jenny said...

You spelt agreed wrong. :P