How big you are, I thought to myself, as he stretched out whilst he was sleeping. I was squished on the end of the settee as he took over half of it up.
Polly isn't very fond of Alfie. She ranges from reserved and awkward to vicious and angry when he is near. It might be something to do with fact he is in her house, but he is harmless. I recently found out Alfie is a M a i n e C o o n cat and according to Wikipedia they are colloquially known as "gentle giants" and that is so true with him.
He is handsome, quiet, patient and loving. He has smooth and thick fur, which smells like the outside air in a musty way, and one of my favourite things are his big and chunky paws. He likes attention and being fussed over.
Polly is slightly different. She is more independant and has my endless affections, love and guidance and so she never has to want for it. I don't mind though. Someone once said to me that cats need you more when they're older, and I think that's true, and so I am happy she is enjoying her youth sitting on sheds and running through bushes.
Cats sleeping make me wish I could sleep in acrobatic positions like that: perfectly stretched, perfectly peaceful, perfectly trusting.
I know - so deliciously relaxed. When watching humans sleep it's never with such ease, it's like they've thudded onto the pillow and into bed - only babies with their tiny but flexible bodies resemble something similar.
You're right... perhaps it's the fact that they look like they can't possibly be comfortable but that they so clearly are.
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