He said he has gone down the wrong paths in the past and rejected God and then returned and Christ is the only way to happiness. People are drinking, doing drugs, etc for distractions, it's their medication because of spiritual unhappiness.
I felt uncomfortable with the idea of accepting Jesus. I used to believe in him a while ago but now it seems peculiar I ever did think that. I used to pray a lot when I was younger, that was because of anxiousness and loneliness and I was looking for solace. I'm not sure it actually helped. I think it was a psychological thing - believing someone is out there looking after you is comforting. I've not needed to do that since my mental health has improved and I feel I've grown out of it. God was like my invisible friend looking out for me. I feel more independent and more at peace in being alone now though.
My friend looked happy, content and full of purpose because of his religion. If he is happy because of this, then this can't be bad. It can't be bad stuff if he's happy inside his head, regardless of whether it is true or not.
He feels counsellors and psychologists and medication and things like that can't really help. They can to an extent but it's about your relationship with Jesus at the end of the day. I was annoyed by the idea of that, that my mental health is to do with loving Jesus rather than a result of my experiences. I'm also deciding whether to go into mental health nursing and this whole branch of nursing must be pointless and redundant if everyone with mental suffering are wayward who need to find their path to righteousness.
I am accepting of other people's beliefs though. I'm happy that he feels happiness from what he is believing. I can't just accept something I can't feel though.
I was thinking that if God was by chance created then there is every chance that the earth happened just by chance too.