I have been going to Weight Watchers for about 4 months. I have always been quite fat and always been incredibly unhappy about it! I gained weight due to eating too much, obviously, but I always enjoyed eating as I found it very comforting. At times, I long to stuff my face with things I really should stay away from, and luckily for the most part, I do stay away from them...
Before, it was a real battle with food as I always equated food with mood. When I was happy, I liked eating to emphasize that happiness and when I was sad I liked eating to make me feel better. Afterwards, I was always disgusted with myself...and I was endlessly attempting to lose weight. It was no way to live.
I weighed 13 stone and half a pound when I first began Weight Watchers. The photograph below was what I recieved when I lost 10% of my body weight - which was 18lbs. Altogether now, I have lost 26.5lbs.
Now I have lost this weight I can fit into nicer clothes and I find myself making the effort to look nice. It was never like that before as the only way to deal with how I looked was through ignorance. Shopping when you're overweight is always frustrating as sizes don't go very high and even then I found it depressing discovering however expensive or nice it looked, it wouldn't look that nice on me.
I really feel fairly different now. I used to hate looking at myself in mirrors and shop windows and now I feel alright about it.
I don't think that people who aren't the 'normal' weight can't look nice as I think everyone is attractive in their own way . I never thought people who were "fat" weren't attractive. I just couldn't see myself as attractive, I just didn't feel I suited the 'plump' look. I have quite a small chest. And a protruding stomach and little chest just looks strange - it made me think I am not meant to be like this and look this way.
When you attend Weight Watchers you have to line up and wait to be weighed. Once it's your turn you usually take your shoes off, and if you think it has been a bad week you end up taking your glasses/earrings/cardigans off in the hope that will make a difference. Mostly women go (to mine) but there are a few men also. Then you have to pay - which I find humorous as every time I always end up in an embarrasing situation with the woman that deals with payments. For example...
Woman: How much have you lost love?
Me: 2lbs
Woman: 4lbs! That's right good!
Me: No..just 2lbs.
Woman: You've done right well you! How many stones is it...5?
Me: No...
Woman: 4? 3? 2?
Me: Just over 1!
Long pause.
Oh well..at least she is friendly!
They also have a shop where they sell different Weight Watchers products which you can't buy in shops such as crisps, chocolate bars, cookery books, sweets.
Then you can also stay for the meeting in which the leader discusses various things relating to weight loss and Weight Watchers...
I really like going to Weight Watchers as it's a supportive environment and the "diet" itself doesn't feel like a diet, as you can eat what you want. So if anyone was considering losing weight, then I highly recommend Weight Watchers.